What can you do with leftover veggie fibers from juicing?

Every time I make a juice I get a bit bummed about the leftover fibers that I have to compost. I just feel like there must be a way to save some of it since there are still benefits to what I am getting rid of. During my juice cleanse i decided to take a huge portion of my fibers and make something into them. I definitely didn't want to taste the dry fibers so there must be a way to mask it, and still in a healthy way.

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My juice cleanse

I always have a vision to kick off the summer with a fresh mentality; and thoughts fill my head of being toned and really fresh looking. However, what often happens is that I go into a weird hibernation mode (maybe it's weather change) where I feel tired and hungry all the time! My body is craving greens, nutrients, and water to get through the heat but what it triggers is a desire for carbs and sugars.

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Palm Oil Free Cheez-Its!

It's pretty easy to find a snack that you love to binge on and even easier to find one where you feel guilty and bloated directly after eating it. I would say cheez-its is one of them. Looking at the ingredients, however, is horrific. The list goes on for about a paragraph and most of the words sound like a disease. With just a few twists; cutting out the conflict stuff (palm oil) and cutting some bloat-tastic ingredients out (lactose whey and many more), you can find the perfect cracker! It's a mix of cheesy, crunchy, lightly salty and so filling.

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Palm oil free potato chips

Once you scan the aisles in the grocery store, knowing what kind of destruction palm oil does to our rain forests, your heart will start to panic a bit because it truly is in almost everything. Then you'll remember all of the boxes of cereal you had that has contributed to the supply and demand of this conflict palm oil. Then you look at the potato chips and see that, it too, has palm oil  and you put the bag down and smile because potato chips are SO easy to make!!

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Palm oil free hazelnut butter : homemade NUTELLA

Guys I kid you not, this was by far the easiest and best thing I have EVER made. The problem is, is that the pictures do not do this justice. This was just the right amount of sweet and so nutty and spreadable. I refused to put powdered sugar in it (No refined sugars please) that is supposed to give it a creaminess like the Nutella brand but the texture did not compromise the insanely delicious flavor.

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